Why you need to have a Will – Most Important Reasons!

Having a will is one of the most important things when it comes to real estate planning. Many people die every day without a will, and it’s staggering. Life is unpredictable in terms of an unexpected death or disability. That’s why it’s better to be prepared beforehand. Making a will is the best thing to do, and there is no specific time for it. Make your will as soon as possible to avoid any issues later. At Tompkins Law, we help clients with their wills and make the process as seamless as possible. Even if you want to make changes in your present will be due to sudden life changes like marriage, divorce, or birth – we can help you make the required changes.

  • When there’s a will, there’s a way!

If you want to distribute your property just the way you want, then you need to mention everything in the will. Upon your death, a will is the only thing that can help the people you love in getting your legacy. If there won’t any will, it will create disputes amongst your family, and the deserving person might not get anything from your belongings.

  • Swift and effortless probate process.

The probate process of a will can be frustrating as it’s very lengthy. Even if you have a will, all states must go through the probate process as a requirement. However, having a will automatically speeds up the probate process because your estate is already divided. If you die without a will, there are some guidelines to determine who will get your possessions. The law of property distribution varies from state to state. Despite the state’s good intentions, sometimes the law distributes the estate unfairly. So, if you don’t want your loved ones to suffer any concern like this after your death, it’s better to make your will as soon as possible.

  • You can decide about your executor yourself.

You can mention your executor in the will. An executor is the one who handles your legal matters after your death, so he/she should be knowledgeable, reliable, and trustworthy. The job of an executor is to inform the banks/businesses about your death, block all your credit/debit cards, and pay off any pending bills after your death. Executors can be anyone from your family, friends, or an unknown. They play a major role after your death, so think wisely before making anyone your executor.

  • Limiting the disinheriting capabilities.

It is one of the worst things that could happen after your death if you don’t have a will. Your estate can get into the wrong hands, and the deserving won’t be able to get anything. Your estate can be inherited by someone in your family that you haven’t seen in years. So, isn’t it better to give it to people you love? Make your will today and distribute your assets among the people you love instead of the ones you haven’t been in contact with for years or didn’t even know existed.

  • Protecting your children after your death.

If you are a parent, the first thing that comes to your mind is ‘what will happen to my kids after my death? The truth is, anything can happen. However, you can decide who your children’s legal guardians can be after your death to protect them. Choose a guardian who you think can take care of your children like you did and will be honest with them. If you aren’t able to mention the guardian in your will, then the court will appoint someone from your family as a guardian to your children. Your loved ones have a lot to worry about after your death, so don’t make it even more difficult for them and fabricate your will as soon as you can. Passing on is not something we want to think about, but being prepared for it will give you peace of mind that your assets are safe and will be fairly distributed after your death. Nothing is permanent, so contact Tompkins Law to help you with preparing your will today!
